2010/05/08 at 15:55
been away for the last few months, since started a new company that
have sucked all my daily hours to it. It is being great although the
lack of time have done its effects around my other investments, mainly
in neobux.I have this notion: I have less hours to work (none, in the last few months) so my results won’t be so good. Is it that hard to admit that your results are proportional to your dedication, effort and executive capability?
It seems it is, particularly around neobux. I don’t know the causes, but I really would bet that this lack of “responsibility” and notion of cause/effect comes from the lack of experience “working” of a lot of members. It’s so much easy to complaint when you’re used during all your life to have someone that works for you and to you. Here no one will take you on his back, so you better wake up and start really thinking where are you failing and improve those points. Take half of the time you use complaining and creating theories about “bots” and so one and look to your non existing management abilities and work them out. Improve yourself.
I’m posting again this old work updated to the current times hoping that the ones who usually take their time complaining about averages and so on, take a deep thinking and start using time innovating, and creating their ways to improve their earnings.
So, like the last time (some of you should remember the old post) lets start by: “Referral’s activity”
This phenomenon will have to be decomposed in several sub points due to its complexity .
.1 Number of advertisements.
Most of the users have come to neobux with some others experiences in the old ptc world.
The first thing that calls out the new member’s attention is the number of ads (there is a minimum of non-demographic advertisements of 4 for standard members. Some countries have some more).
The main cause for this is neobux has one of the higher prices per add in the ptc market, what is justifiable by the increased security against auto-clickers, and the quality of the views that neobux assures to the advertisers like no one else have done so far. Although some advertisers are not yet 100% sure if the extra investment will pay off.
Right now we have the redesign, and some other changes that surely are one more step to bring us closer and closer to a brand new professional advertisement market.
This is just a matter of time, since neobux is getting an credibility and posture that no other PTC has ever had, and is opening the doors for an brand new market. Lets wait until we start seeing an add to your favorite computer’s store from your country, or some local service companies.
This creates an issue of some members quit after 1-2 weeks because of the reduce number of ads comparative to other PTC that offer +50 ads per day. But they’ll get back to neobux, as soon as those ponzy based schemes start to fall down, postponing payments, and do some other things as turning off their bots. Then they will look and see that neobux is still paying instantly to his members, and is in profit over the time.
Also since, in my opinion, we have a lot of under aged people that are used to ask for money and not working for it, and these guys just don’t have the vision to see beyond the 4 cents per day starting point without investment. There are no way to make a flyer without wings, so until they get the wings to see beyond we’ll have a lot of members that come and go as soon as they realized its easy to ask someone for 10 bucks than to work for them.
.2 BOTS look like good friends... Humans are lazy...
.2.1 The outside world has good refs... NOT!
Who has never jump in joy because of buying an 100 refs pack somewhere else and in those first day only 3 of those 100 don’t click any add, and the others have just clicked in 90% of the available ads ? Then after 2-3 weeks all that joy will roll in to abyss. After some time or an pre-determinated number of clicks all those dedicated refs stop click to never come back . Then after you get angry because of that sudden death you think for some time, everything is ok because you have already got 1.5-2 times your first investment...Then you ask your first cashout and the wait begins. When you think nothing could go wrong by that moment since you have those beautiful numbers next to $ in your account balance, all begins to fall apart. You start checking the forums, and see some problems appearing ... The payments start to have some delay comparative with the TOS...And you don’t make even one more cent per day... either way it’s the same since you’ll have to be pretty lucky to someday see the color of those virtual dollars created by, what seems at first some really good and dedicated refs... That’s the main problem of having bots as refs, when the investment slows down everything falls apart since we’re in presence of some Ponzy-like-scheme.But at the beginning the refs clicks are a truly amusing dream... Then...
.2.2 Now... Let’s interact with some human nature ...
Here at neobux, even if all our refs are quire boys, in the best case scenario we will have constant 4 clicks from them instead of those amazing 20+ clicks that the bots do in “the outside world”.
Here at neobux we see all kind of “strange things”, starting by refs that click one week long in every single add and then stop by no reason, or referrals that always click in two ads in alternated days, or even refs that only click one single add. We can even see golden refs that have invested in the site stop clicking for some days, losing some of their earnings.
For all this strange behavior I can only get one expression to fully describe it ”HUMAN NATURE".
There is that they when they come home later and don’t click, the other day that they just forget, and most of the users don’t have wide-vision in the future so some days they just think “only 4 cents why bother ?”.
The possibilities for the different behaviors of each referrals are as many as the different DNA codes in the world, since we can’t “see” each user life, and why (s)he have not clicked that particular day or week... I’m sure everyone has a reason...
This behave is being reported in rented refs, but members with large amount of direct referrals feel this too. I personally had 150 direct refs and even the closest ones to me like my girlfriend, mother, and some university buddys act weird sometimes... Some of them goldens with +1000 refs don’t click for some days losing not only their click earnings but also the massive amount coming for they direct referrals. And I’m not talking about internet friends. I’m talking about people I’m with everyday, and I’m sure they are not mind controlled or click controlled. They just have lives outside neobux.
In the other hand I’ve got some really good rented refs, but I can count them all with the fingers of one hand in a universe of 16500 rented refs...
All the fellows here at the forums click religiously everyday like I do, but we can tell that the forum’s users can be counted too by the fingers of one single hand in the middle of more than 1 million users!
The main point is that us, forum’s users, have higher interest in neobux, so as our posture to the community is different, we’re more active, also our “clicks” posture is very different from the people that just come to the site for earning some extra cash for some days or to see “how this works...”
For ending this part I’ll like to you an example of a reference user of neobux, my Portuguese fellow Eureka, that has an great value here at neobux for being responsible to help implementing some things as the SSL and many other features. This man has not only helped the site since the beginning in the most variable ways, but has also invested a lot in renting and jackpots, having now about 4000 referrals! And he is golden of course... So what would you expect from a free user that is not click controlled, and has put a lot of effort in to the site? 10 clicks solid everyday correct? So please read his post (translated by me sorry for any miss interpretation – the original post is in the Portuguese section). I think this is an really good example since he is an reference user.
I also get an direct referral that click solidly in 2 ads for more than a year ago, and has got 5400+ refs and only takes 60 second per day viewing its ads. We’re talking about an massive payment per “worked hour” and even so people adjust themselves to the TOS 3.7 as lazy as they can.
It’s impressive how there are so many variables in life that take even the greatest members to click less. This great example from our beloved Eureka,or even the experience with direct referrals, should be more than enough to stop all those nonsense theories. The new filter broght an increase in overall activity, but in the foruns we don't read those good experiences... why? The main problem here is that the happy members tend to post less than the unhappy.
You have to notice other main point, not every member of the neobux community has the same dedication to the business, lots of our members are underage that haven’t got neither own money to invest, neither the vision to invest their money here instead of “alcohol nights” . Lots of users come because of their Counter strike source friend told them they can earn money here, but as soon as they get an facebook virtual girlfriend or a brand new "farm" and they quit clicking.
Hope you can get the global picture beyond all this words.
.3 Lets just think of the control users get in neobux.
Dear "neobux has bots conspiracy" fellows. Have you ever though more than a few seconds, in the control you get over referrals clicks before neobux came in?
All those ptcs that have bots, you just have one username, updated one or two times per day with the amount of clicks it have done up to that date. That way is pretty hard to track referrals activity, and easier to get bots.
At neobux, you have real time stats (in the worst case scenario clicks get cashed by 15 minutes because of server load)from your referrals, and you can see individual graphics per user (this way you see the ones that are golden and stop clicking for some reason, and can trace the ones that click one day and the next dont), that can easily show you the activity of every single ref. If neobux has bots, why the hell would it give you, for the first time in ptc business detailed graphs per ref that help you seeing the good and the bad refs? We never had this feature not the real time stats, so nobody will "ask for it", and if neobux has bots won't never be stupid enough to implement an feature that will help members tracing activity.
This way you can trace your referrals like never before.
Its just too stupid to believe someone that is trying to use bots will give you this much control like there never been before.
The problem is users that come from other ptcs, aren't just used to have human referrals, and for the first time they have they just can't see it.
.4 Lets just think of how long is neobux running with instant payment.
Do you know when instant payment has started in neobux? If you are one of the "conspiracy guys" probably you don't because you've just came here. Neobux has instant payments since APRIL 19th from 2008, and hasn't stop paying instantly since that day.
You've just two examples of two ptcs site that have tried to mix bots with instant payments (buxout and sandra clicks) and what did happen to them after less than half an year of activity? CRASHED!
instant payments and bots/ponzy-like schemes just DON'T work together, since you need time to get the cash flowing.
If neobux used bots would be gone after a few months.
This is really the major proof that how ridiculous are that "conspiracy". Only the one that don't understand a thing, not either from logical thinking, nor PTCS would believe and pray such things.
It's just nonsense.
Although as stated above in this topic sometimes dealing with human referrals can be worse that the bots we're used to have in the past, but we'll have to learn to deal with it.
With this I end this huge post, that is aimed to focus some points that have been repeated in the forums over and over again, I hope to get some feedback from you besides my refs number and stats that I’ve already know for sometime know.
We have to use our brains once and for all, to see how ridiculous are those conspiracy theories about controlled refs clicks and so on, looking to examples of active users that don’t click for some days for some particular reason, or looking to the experience from the ones with lots of direct refs. Other point we should think more is the real reason for all the increases we see here.
One thing cannot be argued against. Either you like it or not, either you grow with it or not, neobux have paid more than $19million instantly to us, and offering the quality of advertisement that no other ptc has offered so far, and neobux keeps always thinking in improving all members experience.
Either you are a newcomer or someone that is working and investing hard here from the beginning you always know that you’ll have space to grow even more, depending in your work dedication and effort. If you think you can’t invest, but want to grow fast, look around you, do like I’ve done, sell something even if you like it, and then when you get the payback you’ll see it will have the special taste because you’ve sacrificed something to be where you’ll be that day!
The only thing neobux’s team can’t do for you is control everyone mind for them to click every single day in every add. That will only be possible if we’re not talking about humans. As exemplified earlier even goldens with lots of referrals, don’t click sometime. It’s normal. If all click either they’re controlled, or it was an miracle.
Be your own god! Do your miracles for you, don’t wait for someone else work.
Best regards to all the members that read this, and think about every point described here.
Take care friends.
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