
I´ve already earned

štvrtok 18. apríla 2013

utorok 16. apríla 2013



 Posts: 9356
2011/05/18 at 17:09
schen2000 edited message on 2012/05/19 at 05:52
(this is a direct contact observations from
one of my direct referral/friend)

It's not a matter of how many ads available
to click but more of personal priorities, goals and situations.

Here are list of why's:
1. Job changes
2. After 6 months and still don't know how to click according server time
3. Computer / Network connection problems
4. Picking up child from daycare
5. Distracted from clicking while playing online games
6. Kids fighting and crying
7. Phone calls from work and co-workers (many times through out the day)
8. Distracted from watching movies on his android
9. Spending time with child and shopping
10. Playing with the kids
11. When to buy dinner, prepare meals, and feeding the kid
12. Spending xxx time with spouse
13. Have other hobby/interest to do
14. New toys / gadgets to learn and play with
15. Distracted from latest electronics stuff
16. Taking kid to bed
17. Exahausted / tired after work
18. Stress out from disciplining the kid
19. Divorce / personal problems
20. Court papers / running errands
21. Driving 5 hr to mothers house for the weekend
22. Child is sick
23. Day car is over changing
24. Boss requested to work OT and stay late
25. Need to work on weekends because new employee quite
26. Chatting with friends on other social sites / game forums
27. Child not wanting to sleep
28. Late for work
29. Friends needing help with moving
30. Recreation / trips

That's it for now...



 Posts: 45171
2011/02/17 at 14:34
I can assure you that I have some rented referrals who still keep clicking for me and some of them I had initially rented them back in the summer of 2008. So, there are referrals who keep clicking for long periods.

If the clicking behavior of a referral has been stabilized in an unprofitable level for you, but he/she clicks enough to avoid auto-recycling, you have the perfect candidate for manual recycling.

Most of the members do not have referrals, so if they don't click at all or if they click less than the available ads they have nothing to loose except of potential earnings.

Here are some more reasons except the above that can explain a variety of behaviors:

-Some are on dial up connections and they don't have the patience to wait if an ad is loading slow.
-Some have specific problems with their computers and/or connections that are preventing/delaying some ads from loading.
-Some are using the same IP address(es) with other users and the result is many of them not to be able to click some ads.
-Some do not like a specific ad for their own reasons.
-Some with an avg<1 are clicking only 1 ad. If their avg is >1 and <2 are clicking only 2, etc...
-Some are clicking every now and then to just keep their accounts alive.
-Finally, any random situation like a phone ringing or something similar can make someone to ignore some ads.



 Posts: 9356
2011/05/09 at 19:24
schen2000 edited message on 2012/08/02 at 08:33
(Any average above your BEP is a profitable average)

Here are some possible causes of
low averages for rented referrals:

  1. Not clicking daily according to server time
  2. Missing too many days of your own daily ad clicks
  3. Refs clicking days are getting farther apart
    (could be an indication of clicking activity is slowing)
  4. Refs are clicking less than your current BEP
  5. Recycling too many refs more than 4~5% each day
    (too many 0 clickers and newly exchanged referrals)
  6. Recycling too many 0 clickers
  7. Too much static recycling
    (adjust to changes and current account conditions)
  8. Insufficient data to study referrals when recycling
    (at least 3 weeks or more the better)
  9. Recycling refs close to being auto-recycling
    (7 or more days of inactivity)
  10. Renewing too many refs at 15 days or 30 days
  11. Too low number amounts of rented referrals
    (higher chances of average fluctuations)
  12. Too many refs clicking unprofitable at regular bases
  13. Not recycling enough

Here are some possible solutions:

  1. Clicking daily according to server time
    (doing so to earn from your refs clicks everyday)
  2. Click your ads daily
    (not missing any day of earnings)
  3. Monitor refs clicking activities or patterns
    (helps to reduce unprofitable clickers)
  4. Recycle unprofitable refs
    (focus on older refs because you have more data to judge them with)
  5. Recycle and test your results on smaller group of selected referrals
  6. Recommended not to recycle 0 clickers
    (because there is no data to judge them with)
  7. Change and adapt your current recycling policy to current account condition
    (if the current recycling is not working you must change
    the way how you select the referrals to recycle)
    Read Admin's post about over-recycling
  8. Use the export list to gather more data
  9. Recycling refs too close of being auto-recycling
    (let the auto-recycle take care of them for free)
  10. Renewing for longer days to lower the BEP average and risks
  11. Increase # of refs to meet your budget/goal and as your managing skills increases
  12. Locate and find refs to monitor or recycle that are clicking unprofitably
  13. Many times older refs activity slows down to a unprofitable level while
    the averages are still high identify those refs who are now for example: only making
    2 or 3 clicks every 7 days etc. to be monitored or recycled



 Posts: 9356
2011/04/04 at 19:17
schen2000 edited message on 2012/08/02 at 08:36
(check the latest update on the help page

Current situation

As I mentioned before, I was waiting for free recycle of one low-clicking referral. Today he made 2 clicks, but as he was clicking in unprofitable way, I decided to recycle him for 0,07 USD. I am going to judge him now and try to understand which planet are he from. Soon I will let you know... If you would like to ask something about neobux, feel free to comment some of my post for your question etc. I am opened to help you as I can :)

Previously I catched 2 minijobs tasks for 22 cents each and on that day I made 0,7 USD transfer to the rental balance. I can say it was very succesfull day for me. So now would be fine to catch some minijobs for cover my recycle cost and increase my earnings. Believe that soon there will be some good and well paid minijobs. Good luck.

Here is my current personal stats:
Rented:5 (referrrals)
You:11,459 (my seen ads)
Your referrals:3,026 (their amount of clicks)
Main Balance:0.027
Rental Balance:14.460
Direct Purchases:37.900 (transfers from main to rental balance)
NeoCoins (Pending):179
Mini Jobs:7.750
Mini Jobs (Bonuses):0.840
clicks today:5
clicks yesterday:4
clicks last 10 days:43

Soon, in the end of april (this month) - when you look at Neocoins pending, my pending neocoins will be converted totally to 1000 neocoins. Conversion rate = 1000 neocoins for 1 dollar. So 1 more dollar added to my balance. Nice :) I´ve earned these neocoins from Matomy videos and from Matomy tasks.

Thank you for watching my blog. Have a nice time and good luck :) 

štvrtok 11. apríla 2013

Current rented referrals stats

Here´s a rented referrals averages after more than 60 days of renting referrals.

As we can see, the third rented referral, red flagged isn´t clicking in a profitable way for me as I am standard member. I will judge him maybe 2 days but I strongly believe I should recycle him after his next click(s).

Here next is attached the clicking history of this referral. I am using export list to lear the clicking patterns of my refs with Neobux handy manager. Wonderful tool to study your referrals....

So as I am judging this not very profitable referral, I can see that his clicks are getting low with the time so there is not big chance that his clicks will dramatically change at this time. But it is normal, no need to make a panic. Hi is just a human and people are usually people :) So, today or tomorrow he should be recycled as my BEP is 0,933. But at first, I will wait if he can meet the requirements for free recycle (14 days without click). If not, after the next click he make, he will be recycled.

streda 10. apríla 2013

My current statistics in graphs

here is my current statistics. Today I was lucky thanks to minijobs and si I could add 0,7USD to my rental balance. Good help, So, here it is.....

nedeľa 7. apríla 2013

Some Basic Guidelines


1. Click all your ad's everyday according to server time.

2. Renewal.

Always maintain enough budget for recycling and renewal cost.

When you first rent referrals it is only for 30 days.
You must decide again before the 30 days is up how much
longer to renew them befor they expire.
There is a fee if you let them expire.
Standard members: $0.02
Golden members: $0.04

If you manually renew rented referrals longer than 60 days
you don't need to have AutoPay ON.
Or use AutoPay to help spread out the cost of renewals.

Even though it is more costs up front renew rented referrals for longer
periods like 90/150/240 days it gives you the better discounts,
lowering the averages required and increase proft margin.

3. Find out your break even average.

For standard member with 1~250 rented referrals
the break even average renewing:
15 days = 1.467
30 days = 1.400
60 days = 1.333
90 days = 1.200
150 days = 1.107
240 days = 1.025

For standard member with 251~300 rented referrals
the break even average renewing:
15 days = 1.600
30 days = 1.467
60 days = 1.367
90 days = 1.267
150 days = 1.147
240 days = 1.075

Basically if your break even avg is 1.4

For example:
With 20 rented referrals you will need an
average of 28 clicks every day to break even.

(28 / 20 = 1.4)

Read this message about break even average

4. Recycling.

If your rented referral has no clicks for over 7 days let the
autocycle exchange them for free or else recycle them before that.

Read post by admin:
Let's all try to learn something

Activity distribution filter post by Admin
Admin message about recycling
Manual recycling improvements
What is the point of autorecycling
Automatic Recycling
Let's talk about averages

Use the export list to keep track of the daily clicks.

Read this message about EXPORT LIST

Wait at least 5 days before you judge a rented referral.
The more data you have the easier for you to decide if
the ref is clicking in a profitable way for you.

As a suggestion concentrate on older referrals
because you have more data to judge them correctly.

Here are some examples:

1st week
0 0 0 2 0 0 0

2nd week
0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3rd week
2 0 0 0 0 0 2

4th week
2 0 2 0 0 0 2

Is this ref a profitable clicker?

1st week
0 4 0 3 0 0 4

2nd week
2 0 3 0 4 0 0

3rd week
4 4 0 3 0 3 0

4th week
3 0 4 4 0 4 2

Is this ref a profitable clicker?

1st week
0 3 0 4 4 0 0

2nd week
4 0 0 0 0 4 0

3rd week
3 0 0 3 2 0 0

4th week
2 0 3 0 0 0 2

And these refs are profitable clickers?

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the image in full size.

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the image in full size.

How about this one?

What matters the most is to determine if the refs are
consistently clicking above your break even point and
recycle the ref that you judge is not longer clicking
in a profitable way for you anymore.

Also remember to keep recycling cost at a
reasonable level. Higher average with a higher recycling
cost doesn't help to increase your profit.

Not recycling reguarly is not good either keeping a
non clickers over 7~14 days just before the free 14 day
exchange costs you more money to keep the refs.

Try and test different strategies and
do what works for your groups of
referrals and improve upon it.

Recycling strategy idea #1

Recycling strategy idea #2

5. Get some direct referrals.

To help enhance your earnings for free.

You can only have direct referrals after being a member for
at least 15 days and having at least 100 clicks.
Any attempts to get them before that you will lose them!

Here are some ways to get direct referrals:

* Talk to relatives, colleagues and friends.
* Pay to advertise your banner/ref-link in various websites.
* Create your own blog or site.
* Create video in broadcasting sites like Youtube and put your ref-link in the details/info.
* Post in various forums.
* Make any advertisement you can think of in real life.

Here are some more ideas...

6. Stay updated.

Keep an eye out from the Latest news for discounts,
specials, and new features by admin.

Learn to use the tools, features and graphics.

7. Help and support.

99% of the questions can be found by reading the:
* Help page
* Search
* T.O.S.

If you can't find them and still have questions just
post a new topic in the proper sections of the forum
or live support when available or email support

8. Investment Guide

9. Renewal Price Table

Guide for New Members


 Posts: 9303
2010/10/12 at 00:19
schen2000 edited message on 2012/05/19 at 05:59


Set some personal goals & budget:

How much risk am I willing to take,
am I conservative or a risk taker?
I am a semi conservative

How much money am I willing to invest?
I have about $400~$500

How much energy & time am I willing to invest?
Maybe 2, 3 years or longer

How much energy & time am I willing to learn the system?
15~30 minutes a day

Does this rental referral works for me?
For some it works for others it doesn't.
Only you can find out for yourself.

How much do I want to make and what to do with it?
I want a monthly residual income of $200
to buy rare coins

How many rented or direct referrals do I need to
reach that goal?
I would take a conservative guess
maybe $2 for each ref rented,
so 500 ref would cost around $1000
renewing 240 days.
With a 0.9 or 1.0 average you
could possibly make a return of $300~$400 a year.
With a 0.7 or 0.8 average you
could also possibly make a return of $130 ~ $220 a year.
It all depends on the refs you get
and how well you can manage them.

Do I have back up money
just in case the budget is not holding up?
I have another $150 in my saving account,
I can also easily borrow $100 or $200 from my uncle

Set small goals or milestones to accomplish.


rent & manage 20 refs
rent & manage 100 refs
rent & manage 300 refs
rent & manage 500 refs
rent & manage 1000 refs
rent & manage 1500 refs
rent & manage 2000 refs
rent & manage 4000 refs
rent & manage 6000 refs
rent & manage 10000 refs

personal clicks reached 400
personal clicks reached 1000
personal clicks reached 2000
personal clicks reached 2500
personal clicks reached 5000



 Posts: 9303
2012/01/15 at 02:00
schen2000 edited message on 2013/01/20 at 11:26

Simple and easy to play
100% free and win prizes just
for viewing advertisements!

Remember that AdPrize will reset in the following circumstances:
- 90 minutes after being granted.
- After your reset time.
- If the advertiser removes the advertisement that granted them.

So, how do you play it?
Located on the advertisements page
simply click on the # to play:

The chances you have to play:
This is very simple: For every advertisement you see,
regardless of the type of exposure, you'll have 3 chances to play.

Read the news in the links provided at
the bottom of this post.

When and how will the prizes be credited?
Automatically and instantly.

Types of prize available daily
currently worth $9000+ per day:

(quantities available varies and decreases for large amount prizes)

  • Memberships
    • Free Golden membership
  • Monetary prizes added to the main balance:
    • $0.25
    • $0.50
    • $1.00
    • $2.00
    • $5.00
    • $10.00
    • $25.00
    • $50.00
  • NeoPoint prizes:
    • 10 NeoPoints
    • 100 NeoPoints
    • 1000 NeoPoints
    • 10000 NeoPoints

There's no limit in term of prizes or monetary amount. It all depends on luck as per the announced odds.

Will I have to pay to play?
Certainly not! No user and / or advertiser will spend a single cent to get the benefits from AdPrize.

Can I withdraw monetary prizes?
Sure you can. Those prizes will be credited to your main balance which means you can do whatever you want with them.

I'm a Golden Member. What happens if I win a Golden Membership?
If you're already a Golden Member one more year will be added to your membership's expiration date. If you're not, you will be upgraded for a full year when you win the prize.

Why aren't referrals given as a prize?
When we held the rented referrals jackpot years ago things were different because availability met demand and a portion could in fact be offered. Although we currently still have referrals available to satisfy most of our users, getting direct referrals is an extremely expensive and exhaustive thing for us. Not only due to the fact that we purchase users' direct referrals but also due to all the advertising campaigns we need to do to get new unreferred members and then select them according to past activity which reduces the amount of users gathered. We prefer to meet demand with what we have right now than to offer a percentage of them as a prize.

What about my privacy?
As always we will never show that you've won a prize because we do respect our user's privacy and security without exception. If you win a prize you can show it in our Forum (the "Your success stories" sub-forum is great for that) and, although we'd appreciate it because it would be a great motivation for other members, it's not required.

Does this interfere with the hourly draw of $0.50?
No, it does not. These are complementary prizes. We'll still give away $1440 in prizes everyday for seeing the regular advertisements and now we'll add approximately $1820 in prizes giving it a total of approximately $3260 in daily prizes with no limit on how many you can win.

Advertisment free credits:
  • Micro Exposure: 2x:
    You'll get what you purchased and the same amount to be viewed again in AdPrize.
  • Mini Exposure: 5x:
    You'll get what you purchased and 4 times more the same amount to be viewed again in AdPrize.
  • Standard Exposure: 10x:
    You'll get what you purchased and 9 times more the same amount to be viewed again in AdPrize.
  • Extended Exposure: 20x:
    You'll get what you purchased and 19 times more the same amount to be viewed again in AdPrize.
  • Fixed Advertisements: Varies:
    Your advertisement will get more views during the exposed period in AdPrize (for all purple fixed advertisements: from 10% to 85% of all AdPrize visualizations depending on the currently available advertisement's AdPrize credits).

  • A few guidelines:
    • All bonus credits will be shown in AdPrize for 5 seconds each regardless of the exposure purchased.
    • Demographically filtered advertisements will be shown unfiltered in AdPrize.
    • If you don't want your advertisement to be displayed using bonus credits in AdAlert you only need to deactivate that exposure in your advertisements settings page. You can define it individually for each advertisement.
    • Disabling an advertisement from being displayed won't remove unused bonus credits. Unused bonus credits will only be removed if the advertisement is deleted by you or due to inactivity.
    • Only advertisements that have been viewed in the past 7 days will be shown in AdPrize.
    • You'll have a comprehensive running total of credits available and used. Fixed advertisements will get credits even if no credits are available.
    Does this means that as an advertiser I will get more clicks to my advertisement?
    Yes, it does. You'll get from 2 times to 16 times of what you've purchased.
    You can also look at it from the price perspective. The price per click will be approximately the same for every exposure. For example, if you purchase 1000 Standard Exposure Clicks for $16 the price per click will be $0.016 but, since you'll get 8 times what you've purchased, you get 8000 clicks (1000 Standard Exposure and 7000 for the AdPrize), the price per click will be just $0.002. When you compare that 10000 Micro Exposure clicks cost the same $16 you've spent, it's completely amazing yet still unbelievably fair.

    What more benefits will my advertisement get?
    Besides having more clicks / lower click price, you won't have to suffer the loss of benefits from having a unique exposure. A unique exposure is great for very specific campaigns and every marketer knows that most products and services are only effective when advertised over and over. A unique exposure gives you a "show and forget" campaign which is hardly effective. Now, having that unique exposure exponentially increased by repetitive exposures will increase advertisement campaigns to new heights. Basically you'll purchase a 24 hour unique exposure and get extra ones to make your campaign memorable and exponentially more successful.

    Will banner exposure also benefit from this?
    Absolutely! Not only the banners in the actual advertisement page will be shown more times than before but also the ones in the advertisement listing page will get all the required attention because the AdPrize button has been placed strategically besides it and below all the advertisements the user has to view. And no, we won't charge you a single cent more for banner exposure. Still the same low prices as always.