
I´ve already earned

nedeľa 7. apríla 2013



 Posts: 9303
2012/01/15 at 02:00
schen2000 edited message on 2013/01/20 at 11:26

Simple and easy to play
100% free and win prizes just
for viewing advertisements!

Remember that AdPrize will reset in the following circumstances:
- 90 minutes after being granted.
- After your reset time.
- If the advertiser removes the advertisement that granted them.

So, how do you play it?
Located on the advertisements page
simply click on the # to play:

The chances you have to play:
This is very simple: For every advertisement you see,
regardless of the type of exposure, you'll have 3 chances to play.

Read the news in the links provided at
the bottom of this post.

When and how will the prizes be credited?
Automatically and instantly.

Types of prize available daily
currently worth $9000+ per day:

(quantities available varies and decreases for large amount prizes)

  • Memberships
    • Free Golden membership
  • Monetary prizes added to the main balance:
    • $0.25
    • $0.50
    • $1.00
    • $2.00
    • $5.00
    • $10.00
    • $25.00
    • $50.00
  • NeoPoint prizes:
    • 10 NeoPoints
    • 100 NeoPoints
    • 1000 NeoPoints
    • 10000 NeoPoints

There's no limit in term of prizes or monetary amount. It all depends on luck as per the announced odds.

Will I have to pay to play?
Certainly not! No user and / or advertiser will spend a single cent to get the benefits from AdPrize.

Can I withdraw monetary prizes?
Sure you can. Those prizes will be credited to your main balance which means you can do whatever you want with them.

I'm a Golden Member. What happens if I win a Golden Membership?
If you're already a Golden Member one more year will be added to your membership's expiration date. If you're not, you will be upgraded for a full year when you win the prize.

Why aren't referrals given as a prize?
When we held the rented referrals jackpot years ago things were different because availability met demand and a portion could in fact be offered. Although we currently still have referrals available to satisfy most of our users, getting direct referrals is an extremely expensive and exhaustive thing for us. Not only due to the fact that we purchase users' direct referrals but also due to all the advertising campaigns we need to do to get new unreferred members and then select them according to past activity which reduces the amount of users gathered. We prefer to meet demand with what we have right now than to offer a percentage of them as a prize.

What about my privacy?
As always we will never show that you've won a prize because we do respect our user's privacy and security without exception. If you win a prize you can show it in our Forum (the "Your success stories" sub-forum is great for that) and, although we'd appreciate it because it would be a great motivation for other members, it's not required.

Does this interfere with the hourly draw of $0.50?
No, it does not. These are complementary prizes. We'll still give away $1440 in prizes everyday for seeing the regular advertisements and now we'll add approximately $1820 in prizes giving it a total of approximately $3260 in daily prizes with no limit on how many you can win.

Advertisment free credits:
  • Micro Exposure: 2x:
    You'll get what you purchased and the same amount to be viewed again in AdPrize.
  • Mini Exposure: 5x:
    You'll get what you purchased and 4 times more the same amount to be viewed again in AdPrize.
  • Standard Exposure: 10x:
    You'll get what you purchased and 9 times more the same amount to be viewed again in AdPrize.
  • Extended Exposure: 20x:
    You'll get what you purchased and 19 times more the same amount to be viewed again in AdPrize.
  • Fixed Advertisements: Varies:
    Your advertisement will get more views during the exposed period in AdPrize (for all purple fixed advertisements: from 10% to 85% of all AdPrize visualizations depending on the currently available advertisement's AdPrize credits).

  • A few guidelines:
    • All bonus credits will be shown in AdPrize for 5 seconds each regardless of the exposure purchased.
    • Demographically filtered advertisements will be shown unfiltered in AdPrize.
    • If you don't want your advertisement to be displayed using bonus credits in AdAlert you only need to deactivate that exposure in your advertisements settings page. You can define it individually for each advertisement.
    • Disabling an advertisement from being displayed won't remove unused bonus credits. Unused bonus credits will only be removed if the advertisement is deleted by you or due to inactivity.
    • Only advertisements that have been viewed in the past 7 days will be shown in AdPrize.
    • You'll have a comprehensive running total of credits available and used. Fixed advertisements will get credits even if no credits are available.
    Does this means that as an advertiser I will get more clicks to my advertisement?
    Yes, it does. You'll get from 2 times to 16 times of what you've purchased.
    You can also look at it from the price perspective. The price per click will be approximately the same for every exposure. For example, if you purchase 1000 Standard Exposure Clicks for $16 the price per click will be $0.016 but, since you'll get 8 times what you've purchased, you get 8000 clicks (1000 Standard Exposure and 7000 for the AdPrize), the price per click will be just $0.002. When you compare that 10000 Micro Exposure clicks cost the same $16 you've spent, it's completely amazing yet still unbelievably fair.

    What more benefits will my advertisement get?
    Besides having more clicks / lower click price, you won't have to suffer the loss of benefits from having a unique exposure. A unique exposure is great for very specific campaigns and every marketer knows that most products and services are only effective when advertised over and over. A unique exposure gives you a "show and forget" campaign which is hardly effective. Now, having that unique exposure exponentially increased by repetitive exposures will increase advertisement campaigns to new heights. Basically you'll purchase a 24 hour unique exposure and get extra ones to make your campaign memorable and exponentially more successful.

    Will banner exposure also benefit from this?
    Absolutely! Not only the banners in the actual advertisement page will be shown more times than before but also the ones in the advertisement listing page will get all the required attention because the AdPrize button has been placed strategically besides it and below all the advertisements the user has to view. And no, we won't charge you a single cent more for banner exposure. Still the same low prices as always.
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